In Cameroon about 55% of women have suffered physical violence since the age of 15. The situation is worse now because of the Anglophone crisis since 2016 and the COVID19 pandemic which has left a lot of women vulnerable to rape and all other forms of violence. Gender Based Violence targets men, women, young boys and young girls. However women and young girls are the most targeted because of their vulnerability. Thus, when we speak of gender based violence, we refer to violence against women and young girls. Violence against women is done in the family and in our communities through all forms that is by age, educational level, differences in societal expectations regarding men and women, love, relationship intimacy and marital life. Rape cases increase daily in the Anglophone regions of Cameroon (North West and South West) some of these rape cases lead to pregnancy without any substantial source of income to take care of the children. Women and girls are facing or have faced psycho social abuse: in Limbe subdivision 54 %, in Tiko 50 % and in Kumba 73 %. Today the 10th of December 2020 marks the end of 16 days sensitization against GBV, Amaan Africa joined voices with other activist organisations like NGORE Africa, AWILO,NEST consulting, Dazzle by Lelio,Edith Bio, Golden Girl under the canopy of Cameroon Young Women Leaders(CYWL) to support UN Women #OrangeTheWorld campaign to put an end to violence against women and girls in Cameroon.

UN System’s 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence activities, started from 25 November and ends today 10 December. Below is CYWL detail program.
Theme: “Orange the World: Fund, Respond, Prevent, Collect!”
Day 1 : Online sensitisation
Day 2 : radio sensitisation
Day 3 : Online sensitisation
Day 4 : Schools sensitisation
Day 5 : online sensitisation
Day 6 : HeForShe meeting sensitisation
Day 7 : online sensitisation
Day 8 : radio sensitisation
Day 9 : online sensitisation
Day 10 : tv sensitisation
Day 11 : online sensitisation
Day 12 : schools sensitisation
Day 13 : online sensitisation
Day 14 : street flyer sharing / sticker placements
Day 15 : schools sensitisation
Day 16 : Closing event to finalize the activism and to commemorate the International Human Rights Day
CYWL carried out sensitisation in schools like GHS Bonadikombo mile 4 by Acha Germaine and Abei Doriane of All4women organissation in Limbe, Lycee Bilingue Molyko Buea led by Ntube Ngone of Hidden Potency organisation and also at Victory Evening School Simbock Yaounde led by Aishatou Osman Njoromor of HEPAY. Radio/TV sensitisation was done at stations like Mediafriq led by Nji Laura, Ldtv by Honorine Ekanla and Mireille Ntube, Canal2 english led by Lelio Achanga, Lizzy Gold and Jenifer in Douala. Mr Cyrus, a HeForShe advocate played a vital role as he accompanied CYWL in persons of Abunaw Olive, Atem Noella, Doreen Mbain to sensitize women and men during the Christian Women Fellowship annual rally at the Presbyterian Church PCHS Buea. The advocacy was made louder as Cameroonian female celebrities and journalist like Faith Fidel, Njoya Ajara Nchout, Amy Banda, Tanjong Solange joined CYWL online campaign.
On the 6th day of #16daysofactivism2020 there was a #HeForShe friendly match between the Mbende young veteran team players and CYWL female team players from Denis-Miki Foundation, Ngore Africa Foundation (NGORAF) and All For Women Foundation. This #HeForShe advocacy is in line with #Beijing+25 by engaging men in the journey towards #GenerationEquality. After the match, the men were sensitized on the different types of gender based violence, the benefits of partnerships in achieving the sustainable development goals, the necessity of respecting women’s rights to families, the community and the entire nation. There was also daily update on CYWL social media platforms as these powerful Queens share their opinions about GBV and how everyone can get involved. We will high light a few here, please follow CYWL social media handles at the bottom to read from day 1 to day 16.
Women are creators , treat HER well and SHE will manifest in your destiny . She will grow you , while growing herself . In this wide universe why discriminate and oppress when there’s space for all ? Let’s innovate and create a violence-free world , it benefits all .
– Nkumbe Maureen Akorsong
We envisage a continent in which women take their rightful positions as home and nation builders with equal opportunities and equal access in all areas of existence.
– Nju Juliette Sirri
Of all the things I’ve lent my voice to in 2020 , this feels somewhat the most important . Women and girls have suffered the most from covid-19 related violence , specifically intimate partner abuse , to rape , femicides , child marriage , harmful traditional practices , and the list is long . After a year that changed so much of our own humanity , it is such a privilege and honour to lend my voice to the most fiercely vulnerable creatures , violated , oppressed , abused ; women and girls ; in hope of replacing their panic with peace . I dare you to make an effort to by the least means available to be the voice of the voiceless . For “there comes a time when silence is betrayal ” ( Martin Luther) and “If you’re neutral in situations of injustice you’ve chosen the side of the oppressor ” (Martin Luther ). Your role matters . Zero tolerance for violence against women and girls !!
– Abunaw Olive
YOU CAN choose to walk away when you feel the urge to violate her!
When you violate her, you deprive her of her basic human rights!
Be her safe haven!
Stop violence against women and girls!
_ Lelio Achanga
Women are peace not stumbling blocks…use us for building hearts, homes , communities and nations ; not in breaking our hearts , our will and limiting our potentials .
_ Dr.MOFOR Clementine
Rape, battering, economic and domestic violence that victimises women and girls destroy our communities as women and girls will always remain major contributors to the development of our communities. Protect our women and girls #HerVoiceMyVoice #ProtectHer #GenerationEquality #EndGBV #Beijing25
– Emily Miki
CYWL were represented by six leaders as they joined The United Nations office for the High Commissioner for Human Rights and CHRDA, to celebrate Human Rights Day , today the 10th of December, 2020 under the theme : Recover Better-stand up for Human Rights. There were discussions, question and answer sessions about abuse of women’s rights and what can be done were discussed alongside other human rights concerns .
Stand up for women’s rights today!