Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery that involves the illegal trade of human beings for purposes of exploitation or commercial gain. Victims of human trafficking are often forced, coerced, or deceived into situations of labor exploitation, sexual exploitation, or forced marriage. It can take the form of domestic servitude, agricultural labor, factory work, prostitution, and pornography. 

Human trafficking is a global problem that affects millions of people each year, including men, women, and children of all ages, races, and backgrounds. According to the latest Global Estimates of Modern Day Slavery 2022, the International Labour Organization and the International Organization for Migration, 49.6 million people live in modern slavery. It is a serious violation of human rights and a crime that must be addressed and prevented. This year 2023, the World Day against Trafficking in Persons theme is “Reach every victim of trafficking, leave no one behind”.

Here are some of the types of modern day slavery that exist today:

  1. Forced Labor: This involves people who are forced to work against their will, often under the threat of violence, in agriculture, construction, manufacturing, or domestic work.
  2. Sex Trafficking: This is the recruitment, transportation, or sale of people for the purpose of sexual exploitation, including prostitution, pornography, and strip clubs.
  3. Forced Marriage: This is where people are forced to marry against their will, often in exchange for money or other forms of compensation.
  4. Debt Bondage: This involves people who are forced to work to pay off a debt that they may never be able to repay, often in dangerous and exploitative conditions.
  5. Child Labor: Millions of children around the world are forced to work in dangerous and abusive conditions, often in industries such as mining, agriculture, and manufacturing.

These are just a few examples of modern day slavery. It is important that we recognize the signs of human trafficking and work together to end this unconscionable practice.

The World Day Against Trafficking in Persons is observed globally on July 30th every year. With the aim to raise awareness and call on governments, organizations, and individuals to come together and take action against this crime. It is essential to promote prevention strategies, prosecute traffickers, and protect the victims of this crime. By working together, we can help put an end to human trafficking and ensure that everyone is free to live their lives with dignity and respect.

How trafficked persons can seek help

Trafficking can lead to severe physical, emotional and psychological trauma for the victims. However, trafficked persons can seek help to escape their situation depending on their country of origin and the type of trafficking they are experiencing. 

One of the most crucial steps is to reach out to a trusted person or organization for support. This can include a friend, family member, a non-governmental organization, a government agency, or a religious group.

In many countries, there are hotlines and support groups where victims can call for assistance. It is also important to contact local law enforcement agencies to report the crime and seek protection. Some countries have special units dedicated to trafficking cases, and they can provide support and protection to the victim.

Additionally, some organizations offer shelter, medical support, legal aid, and job training to help victims rebuild their lives. These organizations can help victims regain their independence and become self-sufficient again.

It is essential to remember that seeking help can be difficult, but there are people and organizations that are ready to help. Victims of trafficking should not hesitate to reach out for support and assistance.

You can reach out to Amaan Africa team through email contact@amaanafrica.org

Do you know you too can support victims in human trafficking?

Human trafficking is a grave violation of human rights and affects millions of people worldwide. Victims of human trafficking often experience physical and emotional abuse, exploitation, and forced labor. As a member of society, there are several ways you can support victims of human trafficking.

One way to support victims is by staying informed and raising awareness about human trafficking. Educate yourself and others about the warning signs of trafficking and how to report it. Support organizations that provide resources and advocacy for victims of trafficking.

Another way to support victims is to volunteer your time and skills to organizations that work with survivors of trafficking. These organizations may provide shelter, legal assistance, medical care, or job training to help survivors rebuild their lives.

You can also support victims of human trafficking by speaking out against the demand for commercial sex and forced labor. Encourage others to make ethical choices and avoid purchasing goods or services that may be produced by trafficked individuals.

Finally, it is important to show compassion and understanding to survivors of trafficking. Listen to their stories without judgment and support their healing journey. Together, we can work towards ending human trafficking and supporting those affected by it.

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Maureen Akorsong

Founder Amaan Africa/Amaan Digital

Brand Champ International Trade Center ecomconnect

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  1. Enome Christantus Ngome

    All against child trafficking and yes in building resilient and sustainable communities.

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